Daily Archives: August 21, 2012

TL 21: Two locations

Hmm. Tonight I decided to add another page of photos of doors. When I uploaded the original bunch last November, I neglected to include those from our holiday 2010 tour of Greece and into Turkey, so that’s what you’ll find in “More Doors.”

When I look at them again, I’m struck by how many ways something so elementary can be interpreted….. and lead us into so many kinds of buildings. This smaller grouping is much quicker to see in its slide show format; I hope you enjoy it.

One of my favorites is the worn-to-a-deep-depression marble threshold we crossed in Istanbul.

Here’s another kind of door — the border crossing I wrote about earlier this month. It’s not the best photo; a reflection of the train window is clearly visible .The even-more-out-of-focus photo I took there identified the stop as Uzunkpro.

We’ve traveled often enough through today’s EuroZone to know that passport-stamping from country to country is largely a thing of the past. Those borders are now barely marked, with empty customs buildings and only a few signs and flags to indicate the change in nation.

Such was certainly not the case between Greece and Turkey, whose long histories reflect animosity of the most severe kind.

Hmm. More in two locations than meets the eye; likewise, more behind closed doors than one might realize.

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